On Sun, Jan 12, 2014 at 04:58:48PM +0100, Luc Verhaegen wrote:
> Ok.
> * http://linux-sunxi.org/Android pulls in 
> https://github.com/matson-hall/manifest.git which makes no mention of 
> u-boot-sunxi. And i've looked in the manifests in the branches.
> * http://linux-sunxi.org/A20-Cubieboard/Building_your_own_Android_image
> is just a 4GB tarball, so it pulls in nothing.
> * http://linux-sunxi.org/Building_Android_TV_image uses 
> https://github.com/matson-hall/manifest which again makes no mention of 
> u-boot-sunxi or u-boot. And i have looked in the manifests in the 
> branches.

According to Turl, he pretty much is the only user of 
u-boot-sunxi/lichee-dev and android. Everyone else seems to just use the 
allwinner sdk directly.

He suggested adding a define CONFIG_CMD_ANDROID or something, and some 
new board targets which have _android appended, which imho is a very 
good solution for this.

But i cannot go and waste another X days on asking questions and 
figuring out how to build and install android and put it on NAND, just 
to test this. I have been on enough of a tangent the last few weeks 
already, and the RecentChanges page on linux-sunxi.org should speak for 

The above patch is tested, and is now fully documented in 
http://linux-sunxi.org/Installing_to_NAND#Booting, and it will help out 
anyone who wants to install a standard linux to NAND.

Turl is the only user of u-boot-sunxi/lichee-dev on android, his 
workflow is not documented, and he only very rarely updates u-boot for 
nand for android. Imho, whenever he gets round to updating his u-boot 
again, or when he gets a new device, he should implement the _android 

My A13 tablet with a full linux on NAND is not going anywhere and the 
result can be tested easily. Failing that, there is a nice detailed 
howto there for how to test this on a full linux. It should take anyone 
who has worked through the manual build howto before an hour max.

Luc Verhaegen.

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