
On 01/15/2014 09:08 AM, TsvetanUsunov wrote:
    I was not going to sugar-coat anything here. And I understand that
    using the 16-bit memory bus width was a side effect of extreme cost
    reduction. The primary LIME competitors are likely not high end
    ARM devices, but Raspberry Pi and low cost microcontrollers.
    The whole point of my e-mail is just that clearly outperforming
    them may need some tuning on the software side for better
    utilization of the memory bandwidth that is available.

exactly, LIME was build to show/proof that something low cost like RPi/BBB but 
more powerful could be made with Allwinner chips :-)

LIME2 which we work now with A20 will have 1GB RAM (32 bit width) and Gigabit 
Ethernet, but it will be not possible to make LIME2 for price similar to LIME, 
unless hundreds of thousands devices are produced which I do not see realistic 
the market for small Linux boards already is highly saturated and unless 
community with the size of RPi is built there will be no such sales. BBB with 
all efforts and money TI throw in is still 10-20 times smaller in sales.

I did not know you were working on a LIME2, it sounds really cool.

While showing of the LIME to people at the local hackerspace yesterday
I had an idea for something which would be a great improvement IMHO,
would it be possible to add a mini pci-e connector on the back-side of
the pcb? This could then have sata wired to it for use with m-sata ssd's
and maybe / optionally also one of the usb ports for a 3g modem, or other
mini-pci-e usb card.

I guess people don't want to sacrifice the external sata for this,
so I'm not sure how well this would work wrt reflections if you
just put on both. Maybe use solder jumpers? Anyways just an idea,
I don't know how much cost a mini-pci-e connector would add to the
BOM, but if it is possible it would be really cool, as then one can
have decent storage (often io-speed is a big bottle-neck) inside
the nice and small lime case. And m-sata ssds have come down to the
same pricelevel as regular ssds.



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