
On Thu, Feb 13, 2014 at 04:09:14PM -0800, Юрий Пухальский wrote:
> Hello!
> I have an A13-olinuxino board with 3.13-rc4 kernel from sunxi-next branch 
> (from December I think). I have a custom hardware which should talk to the 
> A13 by serial line.

What kind of hardware is that?

> Atm it's connected to GPIO2 pins 12,14 (and GND) which is PE10&PE11 pins.
> But that doesn't work.

How exactly? What are you trying to do, what doesn't work and how do
you test it?

> I try to connect the hardware through USB-serial converter PL2303 to the 
> same board, it works.
> I've read the forums, there's no tty on UART1 now, so nothing should 
> hinder. But I've connected the serial console through it recently, so UART1 
> circuitry appears to be working.

Hmmm, so is it working, or doesn't it work? I'm confused here....

> Sorry if my questions are silly, I have never worked with it.
> Are pins 152 and 124 leading to the same circuitry inside the CPU, but 
> outside are connected to different places, namely GPIO2 and UART1?

Yes, the same internal pin is routed to several external pins, to
allow some flexibility in the hardware design.

> I've read about multiplexing, and see that in the A13 spec UART1_TX from 
> these pins are in the second column (mode1?), do I need to configure 
> something so they are put into this mode, or it happens automatically? It 
> appears that it works automatically, I've configured UART3 to PG9&PG10 and 
> it works ok…
> I'm completely lost here, maybe you can advise a way of debugging it?

Please tell what you're trying to do exactly, what issues are you
facing, and paste your custom device tree.


Maxime Ripard, Free Electrons
Embedded Linux, Kernel and Android engineering

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