On Sun, Jun 22, 2014 at 05:41:04PM +0800, Pillar Zuo wrote:
> Hi 
>     I am a pcDuino software angineer && PM.pcDuino always use the 
> allwinner's chip.pcDuino user all over the world more then 100 
> countries.The numbers of users more then 50w.There are a lot of user 
> say"why I can't find any pcDuino information in sunxi-linux.org".and 

Now that's definitely not true. Zoltan create pcduino device pages a 
month or so ago. Device pages is how our wiki ties up devices with the 
actual content of the wiki.


> alse there are some users say"I find some interesting thing ,I want 
> post it on sunxi-linux.org,How to contribute?"

We have a wiki. Wikis are a common concept of a website that anyone can 
help improve with little or no hurdles. Your statement makes absolutely 
no sense at all with respect to linux-sunxi.org, as that is a wiki and 
a bit of a download area and little more.

>     So as a pcDuino developers,we'd like to cooperate with 
> sunxi-linux,we can send you some pcDuino board.

I wrote up this page for our wiki which explains a few ways in which 
anyone can help: http://linux-sunxi.org/Community It is far from 
complete, but i needed a placeholder for some common concepts.

As for boards, that's a real hassle, as someone would have to go take 
charge and create a list of people who have been actively contributing 
to sunxi. And that's bound to lead to some people feeling excluded. 
Also, most of us are pretty good for A10 and A20 devices atm, 
especially when they are common devboards. Everyone has those.

What is it that you are really trying to achieve with this email of 
yours? It all seems pretty confused and poorly researched. What do you 
and/or linksprite want from linux-sunxi.org?

Luc Verhaegen.

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