On 26/10/16 08:39, Mark L. wrote:

Hi Mark,

> I have a doubt I would like to clear.
> When you buy a Allwinner H3, one doesn't have to mess with the AMBA 
> specification, right? 
> We just use the H3 interface we got (clock, secure memory) and that is it?
> Isn't this specification for hardware (Chip) makers only? Even a PCB maker 
> shouldn't be too concerned by it as well (except to connect the right pins 
> with the right traces)

Yes, usually on this side of the SoC you don't have to care too much
about AMBA, as it is an on-chip interconnect only. So there are no "AMBA
pins" exposed on the package, for instance.
Sometime you see AMBA terms "shine through" in the documentation, for
instance AHB and APB are AMBA names, Allwinner named the respective
clocks this way.
Also you have to be aware that this is a bus system external to the
*core* (but not the SoC), so the usual concerns about buses apply here:
delay, arbitration, possible aborts, cache coherency and so on. So
writing something to an MMIO device is not guaranteed to land
immediately and in every case there, for instance. But this is not
really AMBA specific, but applies to other peripheral buses like PCI as

But you are right that from a software point of view (and even as a PCB
designer) you should not need the AMBA specification to get yourself going.


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