I'm using a Lindenis v536 SBC. I've built an image, loaded it on an SD 
card, and now I can observe these messages over a UART interface:

[70]HELLO! BOOT0 is starting!
[72]boot0 commit : edb664ec9618b2388deb8d5658aa223a2f47d641
[90]rsb_send_initseq: rsb clk 400Khz -> 3Mhz
[94]PMU: AXP2101
[97]set pll start
[99]set pll end
[104]the chip id is 0x00000004
[107]the chip id is 0x00000004
[110]the chip id is 0x00000004
[113]the chip id is 0x00000004
[116]the chip id is 0x00000004
[119]chip id check OK
[121]DRAM_VCC set to 1500 mv
[156]Training result is = 000000ff
[159]DRAM training fail !
[195]Training result is = 00000007
[198][AUTO DEBUG]32bit,1 ranks training success!
[236]Training result is = 00000007
[274]Training result is = 00000007
[277]DRAM CLK =792 MHZ
[280]DRAM Type =3 (3:DDR3,4:DDR4,7:LPDDR3,8:LPDDR4)
[318]Training result is = 00000007
[322]Actual DRAM SIZE =1024 M
[325]DRAM SIZE =1024 MBytes, para1 = 000030fa, para2 = 04000000, dram_tpr13 
= 08006843
[342]DRAM simple test OK.
[344]dram size =1024
[348]card no is 0
[350]sdcard 0 line count 4
[352][mmc]: mmc driver ver 2017-09-26 15:04
[357][mmc]: sdc0 spd mode error, 2
[360][mmc]: mmc 0 bias 00000000
[368][mmc]: Wrong media type 0x00000000
[372][mmc]: ***Try SD card %u***
[382][mmc]: HSSDR52/SDR25 %u bit
[385][mmc]: %u Hz
[387][mmc]: %u MB
[388][mmc]: ***SD/MMC %u init OK!!!***
[394]error:bad magic.
[398]error:bad magic.
[400]Loading boot-pkg fail(error=4)
[404]Ready to disable icache.

My understanding is that I'm seeing the Boot0 portion of U-Boot executing. 
This is called the SPL, right? This starts at the 8k address on the SD card.

I'm guessing it can't find Boot1 at the location it expects on the SD card. 
However, I can't seem to find this code in the U-boot sources. When I look 
through the sources in the Lindenis GitHub repo I only find these strings 
in binary files. Is this something that Allwinner compiled and only 
released as a binary?

Any pointers of where I could look next to troubleshoot this?

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