On Thu, May 10, 2007 at 02:10:07PM -0400, Alan Stern wrote:
> Greg:
> You have applied most of the patches I sent, but not the "USB-persist" 
> ones.  Any particular reason?

The main reason is that I'm still on the road, and I really want to
spend the time and test those patches, as I'm still not sure about the
use of them.

I'm scared because this is not an option that a distro can enable in
their releases, and that bad things can happen to people's data if they
are not careful.  Also I feel that the number of legit users for such a
thing is so small that I wonder if it is really worth it.

So these are still in my queue, I just want to give them some serious

> The infrastructure added for USB-persist is also used for a new type of 
> quirks entry (devices which need to be reset when they resume).  Would you 
> prefer it if I separate out that common infrastructure and send it along 
> with the quirks code first?  Then adding USB-persist on top would be a 
> relatively small change.

Sure, if you want to rework it that way, I was holding off applying
those other patches as the dependancy was there.  If by doing that, we
get that new feature in sooner, it would probably be much better.


greg k-h

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