Hi.  I'm running a RedHat system with the 2.2.14 kernel
from kernel.org, and this problem has cropped up with
several of the 2.3-to-2.2.14 USB backports including the
2.3.99-pre7.  I have a PCI USB controller with 2 ports
on it, and if I plug a pair of USB speakers into each
port it works great and I can drive them independently.

However, if I plug a hub into one port and plug both
speaker pairs into that hub, then attempts to access
the second speaker (/dev/dsp1) cause the system to freeze
completely.  It can only be recovered by power-cycling
and the logs show nothing.

I've heard a rumor that this is a problem integral to
USB, not specific to the Linux drivers, but I have no
confirmation of this.  Can anyone shed some light on
the matter?  Even a simple "you can't do that with USB"
would at least give me justification to pursue other
solutions (we were hoping to use the machine as a sound
server for 6-10 speakers; can go with a National Instruments
DAC card if we must).

Here's the lsmod, if it helps:
Module                  Size  Used by
mousedev                2660   1 
usbmouse                 816   0  (unused)
input                   1496   1  [mousedev usbmouse]
audio                  33324   0  (unused)
usb-ohci               10172   0  (unused)
usbcore                22276   0  [usbmouse audio usb-ohci]

(also using a USB mouse, however the problem seems to be
independent of the presence of the mouse)

Thanks for any help,

David Covin
lab programmer, Margoliash Lab, University of Chicago

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