On Thu, Mar 28, 2013 at 01:11:04AM +0800, Lan Tianyu wrote:
> Usb port isn't assigned to any bus_type. This seems not good from
> Greg's comments.
>       http://marc.info/?l=linux-usb&m=136200364929942&w=2
> This patch is to register usb port to usb_bus_type. The usb port's
> original name is "portX". This will cause name confilct after adding
> usb port to usb_bus_type since the usb ports with same port num under
> different hub have the same name. So change the usb port's name format
> to "port + (hub dev name) + '.' + (port num)" for non-root hub and
> "port + (usb bus num) + '-' + (port num)" for root hub.
> ls /sys/bus/usb/devices
> 1-0:1.0    2-0:1.0  port1-1      port1-1.3  port2-1.2  port2-2  port4-3
> 1-1        2-1      port1-1.1    port1-1.4  port2-1.3  port3-1  port4-4
> 1-1.1      2-1:1.0  port1-1.2    port1-1.5  port2-1.4  port3-2  usb1
> 1-1:1.0    3-0:1.0  port1-1.2.1  port1-1.6  port2-1.5  port3-3  usb2
> 1-1.1:1.0  3-1      port1-1.2.2  port1-2    port2-1.6  port3-4  usb3
> 1-1.2      3-1:1.0  port1-1.2.3  port2-1    port2-1.7  port4-1  usb4
> 1-1.2:1.0  4-0:1.0  port1-1.2.4  port2-1.1  port2-1.8  port4-2

What does it look like if you reverse the naming scheme (hub dev name +
"port")?  Doesn't that show the devices in a bit more logical way?


greg k-h
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