Hi All,

I'm very happy to announce libusbx-1.0.17.

2013-09-06: v1.0.17
* Hotplug callbacks now always get passed a libusb_context, even if it is
  the default context. Previously NULL would be passed for the default context,
  but since the first context created is the default context, and most apps
  use only 1 context, this meant that apps explicitly creating a context would
  still get passed NULL
* Android: Add .mk files to build with the Android NDK
* Darwin: Add Xcode project
* Darwin: Fix crash on unplug (#121)
* Linux: Fix hang (deadlock) on libusb_exit
* Linux: Fix libusbx build failure with --disable-udev (#124)
* Linux: Fix libusb_get_device_list() hang with --disable-udev (#130)
* OpenBSD: Update OpenBSD backend with support for control transfers to
  non-ugen(4) devices and make get_configuration() no longer generate I/O.
  Note that using this libusbx version on OpenBSD requires using
  OpenBSD 5.3-current or later. Users of older OpenBSD versions are advised
  to stay with the libusb shipped with OpenBSD (mpi)
* Windows: fix libusb_dll_2010.vcxproj link errors (#129)
* Various other bug fixes and improvements
The (#xx) numbers are libusbx issue numbers, see ie:

You can download the 1.0.17 sources tarbal here:

Windows binaries should become available on sourceforge in a couple of


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