On Tue, 25 Feb 2014, Oliver Neukum wrote:

> Hi,
> does anybody have a pointer to documentation on how to setup
> a WUSB connection?
>       Regards
>               Oliver
> --
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Hi Oliver,
There is some documentation for WUSB scattered across the files below but 
it is not very detailed.


The basic set of steps to set up a WUSB connection are:

1.  Start the wireless channel by storing a CHID value to the host 
controller's wusb_chid sysfs attribute.

2.  As child devices connect, verify that the value read from their 
wusb_cdid sysfs attribute matches a known device.

3.  If the device is known, set the device's wusb_ck attribute to the 
private CKEY value for that device in order to authenticate it.

4.  Once authenticated, set the authorized attribute to 1 to allow the usb 
core to enumerate the device.

Once that is done, the device should look like any other USB device in the 

Hope this helps,

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