Hi all,

I'm investigating an issue with a HDD enclosure based on AS2105 chip. A 4TB GPT 
partition is not considered valid because reported last LBA reported by the 
enclosure makes kernel think that secondary GPT is outside disk plate.
I found this patch [1] forcing it to use READ_CAPACITY_16 first and fall back 
to READ_CAPACITY_10 if no success.
This enclosure has the same  vendor and product IDs, but behavior is a bit 
different: READ_CAPACITY_16 fails 100% of times as unsupported command. 
READ_CAPACITY_10 has a distinct behavior depending on HDD size:

- 1TB and 2TB: READ_CAPACITY_10 returns correct size value
- 3TB and 4TB: READ_CAPACITY_10 returns size in a 2TB modulus

If we fix capacity size by reporting (READ_CAPACITY_10 + MODULO_2TB), the 
result will be invalid when user plugs a <2TB HDD. An idea (bring by Oliver) 
is:  first guess reading last sector using modulus result to check if size is 

Any other ideas? There is better way to detect if enclosure is returning real 
LBA capacity or a modulo 2TB result?

Alfredo Dal'Ava Júnior


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