Hi Alan,

sorry for the journalctl output. I have now done the following:L

* boot into 3.17-rc7
* mount the usb stick (recovery completed)
* unmount, mount, unmount - just to be sure all is fine
* started usbmon capturing on bus 3
* mount the usb stick
* suspend to ram
* wake up
        now the stick is "officially" mounted (/proc/mounts)
* umount 
        error messages pop up
* try to mount
        more error messages
* capture dmesg output
* stip usbmon

The two files are available here:
        http://www.preining.info/kernel/3.mon.out.gz (size 21596)
        http://www.preining.info/kernel/3.mon.out (size 216343)
        http://www.preining.info/kernel/dmesg.log.gz (size 17883)
        http://www.preining.info/kernel/dmesg.log (size 67734)

Just a few more things:
* usb persistency is turned on
* I checked the stick with badblocks during creation of the fs

All the best


PREINING, Norbert                               http://www.preining.info
JAIST, Japan                                 TeX Live & Debian Developer
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