Hi Ivo,

ivo welch wrote:
> thank you, greg.   if linux-usb is the wrong starter, can you
> recommend some pointers to good starter documentation and books about
> writing user-space USB programs?  (is it really "read the linux kernel
> source"??)

I've held a workshop on how to make your own USB device a few times.

The material is available at http://cbs.stuge.se/

The workshop uses the 13 EUR LPC-P1343 microcontroller board from Olimex.
The code also runs on any other LPC1343 board, but the buttons and LEDs
used in the example might be missing then.

LPC1343 is a very small Cortex-M3 microcontroller, not suitable for
Linux and not comparable with the DaVinci SoC on the BeagleBone.

My material will thus teach you nothing about how to implement a USB
device using Linux on more powerful hardware, but it *will* show you
a minimal working example of the most important USB primitives;
control requests and interrupt transfers.

I've also given a talk with an overview of USB basics.

slides: https://events.ccc.de/congress/2010/Fahrplan/events/4234.en.html
flash: https://youtu.be/uBBE2gihv5I

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