On 01/17/2017 12:05 AM, Raviteja Garimella wrote:
> This patch splits the amd5536udc driver into two -- one that does
> pci device registration and the other file that does the rest of
> the driver tasks like the gadget/ep ops etc for Synopsys UDC.
> This way of splitting helps in exporting core driver symbols which
> can be used by any other platform/pci driver that is written for
> the same Synopsys USB device controller.
> The current patch also includes a change in the Kconfig and Makefile.
> A new config option USB_SNP_CORE will be selected automatically when
> any one of the platform or pci driver for the same UDC is selected.
> Signed-off-by: Raviteja Garimella <raviteja.garime...@broadcom.com>

Although the changes you have done make sense and it is most certainly a
good idea to split udc core from bus specific glue logic, it is really
hard to review the changes per-se because of the file rename, could that
happen at a later time?

Also, keep in mind that anytime a driver file is renamed, this poses a
backport/maintenance issue where backporting fixes from latest upstream
to a kernel version that has a different file/directory structure is a
major pain.
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