hi guys, I'm not a developer, but need help to understand a problem...
I've an expresscard usb 3.0 controller with renesas/nec 720202 chip
and when I connect an external drive it works fine but gives me some
problem on suspend to ram (s3): on resume from s3 the drive is not
mounted anymore and sometimes it's device node change (e.g. from
/dev/sdb to /dev/sdc)...

I've read that this chip seems to have a problem with resume on linux
and there seems to be a quirk (XHCI_RESET_ON_RESUME) for this reason,
but despite search I have not understood what this quirk does and what
are the consequences...

and if, given the circumstances, the behaviour of my renesas
controller should be expected or not...  (the controller gives none of
this problems on windows)...

any hint?
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