Hello and thanks

> Do you mean: Any control-IN data (device to host) never appears on the
wire?  After all, you said that bulk reads and writes 
> are fine.

Correct. Data sent via the bulk endpoint is visible. Data sent device to
host on EP0 in response to my vendor commands is not. Now this is very weird
as the host is obviously getting enough traffic on EP0 to acquire
descriptors and strings. 

I am mystified. Is there anything internally that might affect EP0 writes
once setup/configuration is complete? 

Can you suggest any obvious places further down the stack where I can put
some trace/debug code? This board is a PITA to run under a debugger.

> Yes, that is how it should work.  The data is supposed to appear on the

Yes, as expected.

> ep0 is represented by the original gadget file (/dev/gadget/"UDC name"): 

Ah, of course.

I appreciate your exceptionally prompt response. Many thanks.


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