On 05.10.2017 21:42, Jack Pham wrote:
From: Mayank Rana <mr...@codeaurora.org>

xhci_stop_device() calls xhci_queue_stop_endpoint() multiple times
without checking the return value. xhci_queue_stop_endpoint() can
return error if the HC is already halted or unable to queue commands.
This can cause a deadlock condition as xhci_stop_device() would
end up waiting indefinitely for a completion for the command that
didn't get queued. Fix this by checking the return value and bailing
out of xhci_stop_device() in case of error. This patch happens to fix
potential memory leaks of the allocated command structures as well.

Fixes: c311e391a7ef ("xhci: rework command timeout and cancellation,")
Signed-off-by: Mayank Rana <mr...@codeaurora.org>
Signed-off-by: Jack Pham <ja...@codeaurora.org>

Thanks, nice catch, adding to queue


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