screw voting, this is NOT a democracy :-), its a benevolent oligarchy.

Carl from IBM on 30 October, Chris & me on email on 6 December. All we need now is 
someone to confirm Carl's availability........................and soon!

anyone wants to argue they can come round to my place and face off with the terrier 
(those of you on the NZLUG list will get that one :-)

> In my Humble opinion two meetings between now and Xmas is enough.  We have 
> got all next year to have monthly meetings.   To much of a good thing may 
> cause burn out.  (I think there is only about 5 weeks between the meetings 
> anyway)
>       I see Chris Hellyar is happy to postpone his talk untill the second meeting. 
>  So I move we go for having the IBM talk on the 30th of September and Chris,s 
> talk for the December meeting.
> All those in favour, please type "I"
> Nick Elder
> 5 cents worth (inflation)
> On Wednesday 10 October 2001 01:32, Nick Rout wrote:
> > As one of the organisers (am I allowed to call myself that in our
> > non-hierarchical, anarchic collective of open source devotees?) my 2 cents
> > worth says that IBM plus the email thing is too long, and that we shopuld
> > postpone the email presentation until December, or alternatively also
> > schedule a November meeting. IMHO once a month is pretty good timing
> > anyway. I would be very keen to hear the IBM man. I would like to hear from
> > Chris Hellyar though, as he is doing most of the presentation.
> >
> > Maybe we can get some more serious business presence at the meeting with
> > the IBM fellow there, invite Dave Armstrong from "The Press"?
> >
> > > I do not wish to offend anyone but how about 'instead' of the email
> > > infrastructure presentation?
> > >
> > > I certainly want to hear the email stuff but from a purely
> > > selfish point of view I reeeaally want to hear what IBM have to say
> > > about what they're up to.
> > > I am trying to convince the boss into implementing some OSS/Linux stuff
> > > and if there is "Big Company" support (or even if only in appearance), it
> > > may be easier.
> > >
> > > Approx' how long are all the presentations likely to take?
> > >
> > > We could do the email stuff next time?
> > >
> > > Just running it up the old flag-pole to see who shoots it down :-)
> > >
> > > Julian Carver wrote:
> > > > Folks,
> > > >
> > > > Carl, the Linux person at IBM NZ is looking to go down to do a talk to
> > > > the Dunedin LUG on the 29th.  As our meeting is on the 30th he could
> > > > come to that as well and cover both SI groups in one trip.
> > > >
> > > > Do you think we could fit this in with/before/after the email
> > > > infrastructure presentation?
> > > >
> > > > Comments?
> > >
> > > --
> > > Zane Gilmore, Analyst / Programmer
> > > Information Services Section, Information Technology Dept, University of
> > > Canterbury Private Bag 4800
> > > Christchurch New Zealand
> > > phone +64-3-364 2987 extn 7895  Fax 3642222
> >
> > --
> > Nick Rout
> > Barrister & Solicitor
> > PO Box 25-275
> > Christchurch, NZ

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