In a tcl/tk app I am writing I wish to call qiv to run a slideshow. I am
testing this part of the script in both bash and tclsh shells. From a
bash prompt the following work:

(image directory) $ qiv myphoto.jpg     displays myphoto
(image directory) $ qiv *.jpg           displays a slide show of all jpg files in
the directory

now switch to tclsh with:

(image directory) $ tclsh               gives

%                                       still in image directory, next enter

% qiv myphoto.jpg                       also displays myphoto
% qiv *.jpg                             fails with the msg 'couldnt execute "qiv 
*.jpg, no such
file or directory'

Do I need to escape the '*' somehow?

Adding a full or a partial path does start qiv but it fails with no
The most frustrating part of this exercise is that I had it running at
the beginning of the year but lost it when my box crashed. Backups are
wonderful in hindsight!!!

Any ideas please on how to pass the argument for multiple files (*.jpg)
within tclsh.

TIA Barry

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