I would use dos apps xtree/ xtlink if you can get xtree on both
machines. An alternative would be a neat little transfer app which was
part of drdos many years ago. It ran over a null modem cable and had the
ability to install itself on the 'slave' machine over the cable. Now if
i can find my drdos disks......

Wesley Parish wrote:
> Anyone know how to connect an old DOS 2.4 machine, a Panasonic JB-2000 I think
> it is, with 8 inch disks, with a more modern machine?  The purpose is to copy
> all the files on 8 inch from the old machine to the new machine.
> Anyone know what serial2serial works with DOS 2.4?  Anyone with the requisite
> assembler skills?
> Thanks
> Wesley Parish
> "I me.  Shape middled me.  I would come out into hot!"
> I from the spicy that day was overcasked mockingly - it's a symbol of the
> other horizon.

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