Thanks Rob & List,

I've really felt this today - our international movement's central aspect:

"Thanks for fixing my bug for me."

- Fewer * rough edges appreciated,

(* includes me).

You well facilitate Linux as a choice of career.

Cheers, Rik

Robert Fisher wrote:

-----Original Message-----
From: Carl Cerecke

Perhaps Rik's push for the CLUG to be something else (I'm really not sure what, exactly) is caused by his conflict of interest (he makes money supporting Linux).


Further (clarification) to my motion yesterday, I would like to make the analogy of 
CLUG as a family.
The rules are unwritten.
We respect each other.
If a brother pisses us off we can politely tell him (but we still love him).
If the family really pisses us off we do not turn up for Christmas dinner.

Food for thought????


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