On Sat, 05 Mar 2005 16:14:18 +1300, Christopher Sawtell
> On Sat, 05 Mar 2005 13:43, Nick Rout wrote:
> > Supper
> > ======
> > Due to a few costs we thought that instead of supplying supper, we would
> > supply tea and coffee, and ask members to "bring a plate" - now don't do
> > anything fancy, just the half packet of bikkies you have in the cupboard
> > will be fine. Remember it's like pot luck dinner, you don't have to feed
> > everyone, just a few nibbles is fine.
Just wondering is there any "Coco" or hot-chocolate?
If there isnt I will try to bring some.

> Lynda has produced several dozen of two different types of small cream cakes.
> I understand that the plain ones are going to be filled with whipped vanilla
> cream and raspberry jam, while the chocolate ones will have a chocolate and
> hazelnut butter cream.
Please pass on mine and the list's thanks.

> We fully expect that the locusts will form an orderly queue for the above and
> the sausage rolls and small eclairs. :-)
Well they are delicious

--Ben Devine

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