According to the documentation it should be possible to ftp files to/from qemu, but how do i set this up?

I have a need to t/f files each way.

ftp is working, I can bring up a prompt in a xterm, and ftp to localhost in gftp. I use gftp to access my website.

Samba is installed & running. I looked at the conf file using swat and laltered the workgrop name to 'WORKGROUP' same as windows. I also added a qemu section as follows

        comment = Temporary file space
        path = /tmp
        read only = No
        guest ok = Yes
        fstype = FAT

qemu starts windows 98 without any problem, but I need the -dummy-net option unless I am on line. File & print sharing is enabled. Tcp/IP is installed for dialup (automatic IP) & for ethernet( What gateway do I set?

Your ideas on what to try next are wanted



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