Does anyone have a truck?

I've got stacks of stuff in storage at present that welcome a better home!

Cheers Don

Kerry wrote:
Perhaps we have a bit of a swap meet before the start of the next
meeting? I've got a few wee bits and bobs that would be better off going
to a good home than sitting in a box at my place gathering dust.


On Sat, 2008-06-28 at 19:37 +1200, Derek Smithies wrote:
  Why not bring all of the cables to the next meeting?

Those who attend the meeting get first pick...

On Sat, 28 Jun 2008, dave wrote:

On Saturday 28 June 2008 4:59:04 pm Robert Fisher wrote:
I have 17 different types of cables to give away. (More than one of some.)

You can see them at

The page was put together very fast with very little care so you may have
to scroll around a bit.
wouldn't mind the multi plug (ummm think they're called laplink cables).


be okay to pick up at next linux meeting?

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