I agree some good points there Jim.

Cheers Don

Jim Cheetham wrote:
On Wed, Jul 16, 2008 at 6:34 PM, Don Gould <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Really...  if you were using 20gb/month I might ask questions, but isn't
this a bit silly?

There's nothing silly in querying "higher than normal" usage; as it
may indicate that you have a compromised PC forming part of a botnet
or something.

However, once you have managed to confirm that the high reading is
"correct" (i.e. worked out how much Google Mail uses by asking other
people), the baseline should just get reset, and no further questions
are necessary :-)

I once saw a business switch from Telecom to Telstra, and the Telstra
plan had a "10GB/month" setting. Luckily for them, their network tech
noticed (after the switchover) that they were running at 1GB/day on
email. This was queried; the fix was to get them to stop accepting all
email for their domain, and instead accept only named users (e.g.
staff +  "sales@", "accounts@" etc). This dropped them down to a few
hundred meg a month.

Asking the question about usage is an essential part of finding problems :-)


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