On Thu, 26 Feb 2009, Craig Falconer wrote:

John Carter wrote, On 26/02/09 13:04:
Swap usually 2 * ram, although disk is _so_ very very very much slower
than ram these days and ram is getting so much larger. I'd perhaps
drop that to swap == sizeof ram.

Spot the old fart!

Try "sudo swapoff -a" on your linux machine, and then run it like normal for a few weeks.

No it won't.

a) My machines stay on and up 24/7 for literally years at a time.

b) They serve up lots / build / do lots while I sleep.

c) Anything I'm not using for a while gets swapped out so the busy
stuff can get busy faster (more disk cache etc).

So unless I benchmarked all the background stuff, I probably wouldn't
notice, accept for the fact the desktopish stuff gets swapped out
overnight so in the morning the first thing I do on arriving at my
desk, before even sitting down, is twitch the rat.

The kernel spends the next little while swapping the desktop stuff
back in.

The other area I'd notice is some of the servers (eg. mysql for the
wiki's) wouldn't swap out when the wiki's are quite, hence less disk

For example, at the moment it's sleeping (shh! quietly now, don't wake
the daemon), but it's virtual data size is 120mb, but only 10mb is

John Carter                             Phone : (64)(3) 358 6639
Tait Electronics                        Fax   : (64)(3) 359 4632
PO Box 1645 Christchurch                Email : john.car...@tait.co.nz
New Zealand

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