On Sat, 23 Feb 2002 11:36:51 -0800
Ken Moffat <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> I have been using lilo, with my config file in my redhat7.1 install.
> ..... Can I have lilo.conf in some neutral location which I can
> access and modify from any other running distro, thereby eliminating
> the need to boot redhat, then reboot?

OK, chicken here. I've read the proposed solutions, and feel the best
thing for me to do is stick with what I have. No offense, and thanks
all for the advice, but this change is too big for me to attempt with
a disk drive with winme, libranet, redhat, redhat/home, elx-rc1,
elx-rc2 and now Caldera 3.1.1 an one drive (and a big vfat partition
following all these). 

On my next linux box I'll try a /boot partition, but to rearrange now
would be, in my opinion, too painful. 

Sorry for the bother.

Ken Moffat
(remove _NO_SPAM_)!
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