Anita Lewis spewed electrons into the ether that assembled into:
> I noticed before that I could not resurrect the previous posts like I can
> with linux.debian.user.  I can do a key command in slrn and get the parent
> and the children of the posts.  They are never available on this group.  Is
> that just how it is, or should I be able to get them?  debian.user also
> seems to be about half stuff from an email list too.

is you're using a newsreader to read this, I'm not sure how the prior posting 
work (and I set it up). This is really an email list that is gated to a news 
server. The server is setup such that is uses a pre-allocated postings file 
and as it fills up, things just roll off the back-end.
i know that viewing the group using knode will show a lot of messages, but I 
don't know how far back they go...
Douglas J Hunley (doug at - Linux User #174778
Admin: Linux StepByStep -

/* So there I am, in the middle of my `netfilter-is-wonderful'
   talk in Sydney, and someone asks `What happens if you try
   to enlarge a 64k packet here?'.  I think I said something
   eloquent like `fsck'. */
        2.4.3 linux/net/ipv4/netfilter/ip_nat_ftp.c
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