Didn't work?  That's because you have the good sense to be using Outlook 
Express in Windows, not Outlook.  I looked at the page, and only one of 
these tricks--Another exploit using "begin"--claims to work under Outlook 
Express.  (Of course Eudora would be even better.)  Plenty of stuff OE will 
do that it really shouldn't, but Outlook is the major virus magnet.

At 08:43 PM 3/5/02 -0500, Bill Day wrote:
>I was visiting this page, http://www.rodos.net/outlook/ , and thought the
>X-message-flag deal was pretty kewl but I cant seem to get it to show they
>way they described.. its supposed to work in any OE Express...
>I am using Kmail 2.1.1 and put it under Mime Headers.. right spot to begin
>I tried it with X-essage-flag: , "X-message-flag:" and X-message-flag as the
>name with "Linux : The choice of a GNU generation" as the the value.
>When I check the properties using OE Express it shows up there but it doesnot
>come in "flagged" and when opened it does not show up in the highlighted info
>bar either.
>Not that it really matters jsut wondering why it aint working....  I also
>check through pine to see if I could locate a spot that I could create the
>same affect but cant seem to locate a spot in it...
>   Bill Day

Stuart Biggerstaff

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