Typing furiously on March 17, Joel Hammer managed to emit:
> Could someone give me an example of using query formats with rpm?
> The man page says -qf followed by the format tag, like %{NAME} should do
> something useful, but I can't get it to work, at least on uninstalled
> packages.
> Thanks,
> Joel

The man page say "--qf", that is, 2 hyphens.

[kwall@krwtest]$ rpm -q glibc --qf %{NAME}
$ rpm -q glibc --qf "%{RPMVERSION} %{BASENAMES} %{NAME}"
4.0.3 ld.so.conf glibc[kwall@krwtest]$
[kwall@krwtest]$ rpm -q glibc --qf "RPM Version:\t%{RPMVERSION}\nName:\t%{NAME}\n"
RPM Version:    4.0.3
Name:   glibc

I know the answer!  The answer lies within the heart of all mankind!
The answer is twelve?  I think I'm in the wrong building.
                -- Charles Schulz
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