Harry G wrote:
> Has anyone out there who knows Debian tried Libranet?  www.libranet.com 
> I was wondering if it would be a good distro to use.  I am currently 
> using Suse, but I go crazy with downloading missing libs everytime I 
> want to install an RPM, and I hear apt-get in Debian is great, but a 
> pain to install.  Since I have a business to run, my time is not very 
> free to learn everything from scratch about Debian.
> Or am I wrong?
After fooling around with Corel Linux, I tried Linux 1.9.0 a year ago,
then went to 1.9.1 which I am still using.  I have been testing 2.0 on
my "lab rat" for a few weeks.

I don't know what you mean by apt-get is a pain to install.  Apt-get
simply examines your database, then collects everything you need to
install a particular Debian package.  If you are actually referring to
the reputed complexity of installing a Debian, then the only "pain" is
having an understanding of Linux partitioning.  The partitioning utility
with Libranet will either do a basic default install, if you have no
other OS other than windows on your hardware, or allow you to do a
manual partitioning.  A little bit of practice will make this fairly
straight forward, or you can cheat like I do and use Caldera's LIZARD to
partition.  Libranet will then happily recognize your prepared
partitions and mount and format them. Libranet also offers a selection
of the package groups you need to complete the installation.

Libranet also provides the needed packages for RPM support.  All you
need to do is create /var/lib/rpm directory and run rpm --initdb.  You
can then install apps like Applix 5.0 without having to convert
everything to Debian packages.  Libranet 2.0 left out kpackage, but you
can download and install it easily enough.  As previously noted, there
are a few other bugs, but you can get the fixes for them now on the  
Libranet tech support knowledge base.

One thing I like about Libranet is that it is very snappy and runs very
nicely even on older, slower systems.
Leon A. Goldstein
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System 5WV271
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