Sorry if this has been covered.  I have a K6/2-300 system which (finally) 
runs well, but on shutdown segfaults, with the message Bad EIP value.  I 
have found references to this problem 
none to a solution.

The problem seems to be that the operating system (here Mandrake, 8.1) 
recognizes the motherboard based on its BIOS as one that will allow a 
software shutdown--when in fact it is not. (It is an AT motherboard, but 
ATX features are included in the BIOS.)  This is a guess, based on the fact 
that it does it when shutdown to halt, but not rebooted. It is also 
confirmed by others who have made the same guess. Mandrake offers a 
possible solution, as 8.1 allows installation of either a 2.2.19 or 2.4.8 
(default) kernel. One of the comments about the problem said it happened 
with a 2.4.8 kernel, but not a 2.4.5 one, but as a quick test I installed 
Mandrake 7.0, and it does it too.

I suspect I could fix this by editing the script it runs on shutdown, but 
so far I have not found what that is.  Can anyone suggest where I look?

Stuart Biggerstaff

Linda Hall Library of Science Engineering & Technology
5109 Cherry St.
Kansas City, MO 64110

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         (800) 662-1545 x748
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