[newlines added for easier reading]

Scribbling feverishly on April 10, Wil McGilvery managed to emit:
> To answer Kurt's questions...
> One of our companies is a M$ Partner and I used to get free licensing.

Nice, that.

> Now the freebies are being cut back and I have to ante up for extra 
> client access licenses.
> 38 Users will cost me ~ $12,000.

Not nice at all, that. It wasn't any of my business, I was simply
curious how much MS licenses cost.

> We have used Exchange and SQL because it didn't really cost. Now that 
> it does, I am looking for alternatives.

That's understandable.

> Our use of SQL server is very basic with 35 users accessing three or 
> four small in house programs. I believe that these programs could be 
> moved fairly easily.

PostgreSQL and MySQL are popular, capable alternatives to SQL Server.
You could also use Oracle or DB2.

If Exchange is just being used as a mail server, I believe it is easy
to replace with other Sendmail, PostFix, Exim, or whatever.
Otherwise, I'm not sure what you'd use -- I don't know what Exchange
does, frankly, so I'm not in a position to offer an informed opinion.

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