
I'm curious. What do you find attractive about Slackware? What causes it to 
stand out so above the others?

My (unlearned) impression is it's the one with a face only a mother could 
love. And will never be anything more than a curiousity. So in that way, 
it's arguably no different than Gentoo. Just older.

When a commercial client talks to me about Linux. They mean Red Hat and I 
don't attempt to persuade them any different. I wouldn't even bring up 
Slack, Gentoo or now even Caldera or SuSE.

But the real enemy is none of those and you know who I mean. Red Hat may not 
be perfect but it beats the alternative. We may be reluctant to cheer for 
Red Hat. But at least they're actually *in* the game. Far more than can be 
said for any of the others.  Especially now that UnitedNoDesktopsLinux is 
destined to remembered only by the size of their smoking hole in the 


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