Hi all, 
I've been off-list for a couple weeks on vacation (17 states, 4400+ miles) and 
had taken 200+ pics with my new Olympus D380 Digital camera, 165 pictures on 
a 64 MB SmartCard, about 45 on a 32 MB card. I just tried to connect the 
camera, with the 64 MB card inserted, and got an error mounting it, 
# mount /dev/sdb1 /mnt/floppy
/dev/sdb1: Input/output error
mount: /dev/sdb1 has wrong major or minor number
That was su'd to root. I also tried as root proper and got some FAT error 
messages before the wrong major or minor number problem.

I then tried to turn on the camera to view the pictures, and they were gone! 
The only option given to me was to format the card. I put the 32MB card in 
the camera and the pics are there and fine (I haven't tried mounting the 
camera with the 32 MB card insterted since, irrational though it seems, I'm 
afraid that my trying to mount it may have erased the pics). I HAVE mounted 
this camera in the past. I have some lovely pics of my family's golf 
tournement that I got from the camera.

My question is, is there any way to recover data from a SmartCard that's been 
damaged? It looks like the card is scratched a little and I suspect that the 
scratches are the problem and it's nothing I did by trying to mount the damn 
thing. Recommendations? I have a card reader at work that reads a couple 
types of camera media I'm gonna try and I may take it to a camera shop and 
see what they can do. Otherwise, I've lost some great pictures :-(


Caldera eWorkstation 3.1+, kernel 2.4.18-preempt, KDE 3.0.1, Xfree86 4.1.0
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