I thought you all might find these interesting.

Cable companies cracking down on Wi-Fi
Broadband providers are cracking down on popular Wi-Fi networks,
threatening to cut service to customers who set up the inexpensive
wireless systems and allow others to freely tap into their Internet
Time Warner Cable of New York City has given 10 customers less than a week
to stop using their accounts to provide a wireless local area network
available to anyone within 300 feet. The letters are just an initial
volley; Time Warner expects to send additional letters, while AT&T
Broadband also is preparing similar letters for some of its customers.

<b>Read Full Story</b></a></font> <img
src="http://home.cnet.com/i/ne/ds/right_arrow.gif"; alt="" width="9"
height="9" border="0">

Apple's iPod comes to Linux
Windows users have recently been given access to the popular Macintosh
music player, iPod, and now Linux users may soon be able to take a bite
out of Apple Computer's gadget. Last week, tex9, a small
software-development company in San Francisco, began beta testing an iPod
plug-in for its xtunes music player software, which is itself a Linux
clone of Apple's iTunes. The plug-in will, tex9 promises, allow
drag-and-drop access to iPod, which holds up to 10GB of music.

<b>Read Full Story</b></a></font> <img
src="http://home.cnet.com/i/ne/ds/right_arrow.gif"; alt="" width="9"
height="9" border="0">
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