
Afraid I can't help you much.  Aside from asking all the normal troubleshooting 
questions I'm sure you've asked yourself.  Until you figure out why Samba printing 
started failing, I would enable Unix printing and attempt to set up CUPS to print to a 
LPD printer, attempt to choose the appropriate driver, etc...  What has changed on 
this box recently?  It sounds like permissions are wrong.  You haven't dorked around 
with /tmp lately, have you?  Make sure /tmp has the current rights:

drwxrwxrwt   10 root     root         1024 Jul 11 21:36 tmp

If not, that's:

chmod 1777 /tmp

Good luck, chief.  Let me know how it goes.  If you would like me to help more, let's 
talk offlist and perhaps I can get a look at the print server and/or the system.

begin  "Richard R. Sivernell" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> on Thu, 11 Jul 2002 06:14:30 -0500 

>   This is about all I know of this unit. works great with NT,  Samba printing to
> a 
> NT share did work but just stopped. trying to figure out what is going on.
> cheers
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