Jay Nugent wrote:
> I just ordered one for my Dad.  Except we went with the SYSMAR703.  
> For just $100 bucks more you get a floppy drive, move up to an Intel 1.3
> GHz Celeron (from 850MHz Duron), and move up to a 40 Gig hard drive (from
> 10 Gig).  Video, sound, and 10/100 ethernet are built onto the
> motherboard.
>    Total bill, including shipping was $414.00

Not a bad price for a Linux compatible system.  I'm looking forward to
your review
and evaluation of this system.  I've got an elderly K6-2 350 mHz system
that I want to replace.
>    I'm game to give Lindows a try.  If it sucks I can always reload the
> box with RedHat or Debian or SuSE or whatever...but *DEFINITELY NEVER*
> with WinBlows!  Anything that sends a signal to Redmond that people WANT
> machines without the "Microsoft tax/virus" is "A Good Thing"(tm) in my
> book :-)
>  Thank you Wal-Mart for being brave enough to offer an alternative
> choice.  Perhaps it may not be the BEST choice, perhaps Lindows will need
> some time to improve and grow.  Time will tell...

Perhaps the next step is "Burger King" marketing.  You order your Linux
compatible system either with
no OS, or your choice of Linux preinstalled.
Leon A. Goldstein

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