Tim Wunder wrote:

> > BTW Netscape 4.7X won't scroll  in KDE 3.  There is a work-around that
> > restores scrolling in Libranet 2.7, but not in SuSE 8.
> >
> IIRC, you need to have the NumLock off for scroll to work in NS4.7x

That's not the problem.  KDE 3 does not read .Xresources wherein abides
a long script NS 4.7X needs to support scrolling.
The fix suggested by Libranet is to run xrdb -merge
/home/~/.Xresources.  This works but has to be run each time I start
I wrote a little script combining the above command with the NS
executable, and my desktop icon invokes it.

SuSE 8 does not have the NS4.7x script, so this dodge won't work with

Leon A. Goldstein

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