Maybe, accept, this is what Rick Moen looks like:

(yes, that's him in the EFF cap). When's the last time you saw anyone in a managerial or CEO role that looked like that?

On 11/26/02 18:58, Brett I. Holcomb wrote:
That's a future CEO <G>.

On Tue, 26 Nov 2002 20:17:15 -0500 "Brett I. Holcomb"

Hmm, where I used to work this got them promoted instead of fired

On 11/25/02 19:50, dep wrote:

i was just reading some stuff rick moen wrote in connection with
wordperfect for linux -- he and i were discussing describe on

does a superb job of convinving others that he's an expert on many
subjects, when in reality, all he does is ferret out other sources
and present them as his own.  And don't get me started on his
shortcomings in the non-technical arena.

Sounds like he's on track for a managerial career at most companies
I've worked for.

L. Friedman                       	       [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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