-------- Original Message --------
Subject: [OT] VFP7 will run on Linux
Date: Fri, 13 Dec 2002 09:45:33 -0800
From: Paul McNett <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: Multiple recipients of ProFox <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

This question has come up before, so I wanted to post my recent results
in case people are still interested.  Last night I put the final piece of
the puzzle together to get vfp7, out of the box, to run in a mostly stable
fashion on Linux.  Here's my first screenshot:


My testing also indicates that executables built from vfp7 will also run on

Please understand, these are preliminary results only and I haven't done
testing in the way of printing, scanning, com ports, etc.  I have verified
that vfp dbf's and dbc's are handled just fine, and that the various
sqlstringconnect(), sqlexec(), etc. commands work for connecting to backend
databases.  Classes can be designed visually, browse windows will display,

I also don't have, at this point, a roadmap to tell others exactly what to
do to get vfp to run on their linux installations.  I do have notes jotted
in various places and intend to get them formulated into a set of
instructions.  How far along I get in doing this depends to a great extent
on the amount of interest shown for this.

There is still at least one significant problem that I need to surmount
before this can be considered a completely stable development
I just wanted people to see how possible it will be to run VFP on Linux...
a glimpse into the future perhaps...

(by the way, I've had no luck getting VFP8 to work and I have tried.  VFP8
must have been significantly rewritten or something).

Hollister, California, USA

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