Net Llama! wrote
On Fri, 20 Dec 2002, Leon A. Goldstein wrote:
> I guess it is MY fault for having the temerity to try running a
> multi-partition DOS HD slaved to a Linux-booted HD.
> The only thing GRUB is doing is telling the BIOS that the slave is the
> master, so boot it from its MBR.
> This does not explain why the partitions are duplicated.

Cause DOS is too stupid to know how to interpet the partition table

Could be, but the question is - how does smart DOS, that boots perfectly as a master, suddenly become stupid when it is slaved?
I can expect weird things with DOS sharing a hard drive with other OS's, but this is a separate drive, with DOS bootloader in its MBR.
It's only association  to the master is the menu.lst.  There are no FAT partitions on the other drive to confuse it.

Leon A. Goldstein

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