Chong Yu Meng wrote:
Hello everybody !

I've been having difficulties sending mail from my account to anywhere in the last couple of weeks. Mail relaying has been denied on my ISP's mail server, due to an outbreak of massive spamming in my country. My other ISP account ( I have 2 because I am paranoid ) has likewise denied mail relaying. What is interesting is that the policy is not enforced uniformly (yet), with the result that I can sometimes send mail out, if I keep trying long enough.

So, I need to setup SMTP on my local workstation. I read the Red Hat Postfix HOWTO, but it doesn't seem to work because :

1. I cannot relay mail through any of the mail servers I am aware of.
2. I do not have a FQDN. I do have a cable connection, but it is based on DHCP. Furthermore, my workstation is behind a Linksys router.

Has anyone got any experience setting this up ? Any other documents or links that can help me ? Please don't point me to books I have to buy because I am unemployed at the moment, and trying to save money.

Thanks in advance !

pascal chong

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You need to define the "Smart relay" in your /etc/ A good reference is at:
Andrew Mathews
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