On Fri, 21 Feb 2003 19:26:26 -0500
"Brian Witowski" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> I recently began having problems transferring large files to my COL
> 2.4.18 kernel and Samba 2.22.
> I first noticed the problem when a large email attachment got hung in
> the queue.  I tried to flush it but it was locked for sending.  (I use
> my server as a mail relay for my network, along with fetchmail and
> procmail).  When I tried to flush it, I would temporarily lose network
> access to my server.  No Samba, SSH, or Webmin.  Then it would start
> working again.
> Later on I was attempting to copy a 45MB file to the server and I lost
> all connectivity.  Once the copy errored out and I canceled the copy,
> the network came back.  The only errors I have found were on the
> console of the server:

I would first eliminate the hard disk as a potential problem -- boot
into knoppix and try to transfer the large knoppix file from the CD to
another system.

I believe you'll still have the problem.  If so, start looking at NICs. 
Some older network cards, notably RealTek (RTL-8129 and family) were
real garbage.  They've gotten a lot better.

Personally, I suspect a network card.  If you have a known good system,
try a crossover cable directly to it.


David A. Bandel
Focus on the dream, not the competition.
                Nemesis Racing Team motto

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