Hi Rick !

If you still have one more year to go, you should stick with what works. It'll take you a couple of weeks to a month to get used to another distro. If you're going to move to an OpenLinux-like distro like TurboLinux, it should not take you more than a week, Red Hat will take you about 2 weeks (because they have a lot of configuration crap), Slackware -well, that depends. I was never able to get Slackware working fine on my home system.

If you're doing mainly development work (like myself), and you just need a stable, familiar platform, then you should resist the urge to upgrade. I am a victim of this techno-lust, and have migrated in the past year, from OpenLinux to TurboLinux to Slackware to Spectra Linux, which is what I am using now. Wasted a lot of time without making my Java apps run any faster. In fact, if anything, bootup times are much slower now, because I've got a lot crap running on my system :).

pascal chong

Rick Sivernell wrote:


I have been watching this last bit of conversation with bated
interest. I am using Caldera stuff still. But it appears I need to do
some heavy consideration of moving to something else. At this time I
have a lack of funds to buy much in OS's. I like the setup of the
eServer/eWorkstation 3.1.1 systems, but they are starting to fall back
in the stable side of cutting edge. While I do not want bleading edge,
since I am still do college software design for one more year. I would
like the opion of this list, no flames as I know we all love our
stuff <g>.

1.  Should I stay with what I have and just upgrade it as I can to xfree
4.3 kernel 2.4.20.X gcc 3.2, I really do not care for kde and I am using
xfce 3.18 xterm 3.19 ?

2. dump it and move to another distro.

System SCSI drives and cdroms NVida RNT2 video Asus P3 mobo.
750+ meg memory soundcard nic and some other general stuff.

Any thoughts here as to what direct I might want to go. Cheers to all

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