An unnamed Administration source, Gerry Doris, wrote:
% News Flash! Rambus and SCO to merge! (Score:5, Funny)
% by Newer Guy (520108)  on Monday March 10, @06:03PM (#5481084)
% In a surprise news announcement, the Chairman of rambus announces a historic
% merger with SCO unix. "The merged company - to be called RAMBO - will be
% poised to respond to the challenges of the 21st century" Chairman David Boies
% said today. "We are in the enviable position of controlling both hardware and
% software Intellectual property" Boies also announced Rambo's decision to sue
% Microsoft for the use of the name "windows". and it's use for networking. "I
% came up with the idea of windows networking 30 years ago" Boies said. "When I
% was a kid I opened the window and yelled to my friends that it was time to
% play baseball. This involved using a window to spread information to them. In
% other words, Windows networking"

[chuckle, smirk, guffaw, snort]

Committee, n.:
        A group of men who individually can do nothing but as a group
decide that nothing can be done.
                -- Fred Allen
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