Roger Oberholtzer wrote:
On Sat, 31 May 2003 09:08:02 -0400
Joel Hammer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> I used to use WP8 for linux. Fine program but it did get a bit outdated. I
> think I finally got fed up with the filter nonsense.
> I tried WP office 2000 when it first came out. It was a dog, as we all
> know, written to run with wine. Bad fonts, unstable, just awful.
> There have been big improvements they say in wine and certainly the
> computers are faster and the memory is cheaper. Is anyone using the
> Wordperfect office suite in linux lately?

No. But I have been having success with FrameMaker under Wine. Fonts seem
much better. I have not put it through rigorous testing as I haven't had
the time yet. But I will.

I know that codeweavers claim to support Word now. And their improvements do
get back into the wine release.

So, maybe WP will also work much better.

I picked up a copy of WPO 2000 from
for $24 delivered.  This version is apparently a later release.  I have installed it on Libranet 2.7 and .2.8, and eDesk 2.4.
Installation on Caldera WS 3.1.1 is not so happy.   There is an error report on starting WP9 than you can click through, and writing tools are disabled.  Installation is better on SuSE 8.0 if libaps is installed first, as advised in the release notes.  It does not run at all on SuSE 8.2.

It works quite well.  The WPO2KL version I got is the deluxe package and includes Paradox 9.  It and Quattro Pro are stable, probably thanks to that tight Borland API.

There is a bug that causes WP9 to crash if I open a second document, but this can be handled by opening (from the file manager) and closing each document in turn.  The documents are then listed at the bottom of the file menu, and can be opened simultaneously  thereafter for cut-and-paste work.  The M$ Word filter is very good.  I opened a large .doc file with an embedded  Excel table without a hitch, even though this file was inaccessible to Applix Word and WP 8.1/Linux, even with the Filtrix patch.

The package comes with a large library of TT fonts, which must be installed one by one.  Comparing notes with an owner of the original release, the one I got, which apparently was intended for the UK market, has later file dates than the original release.
Said other owner reports that the Fontastic font manager is crippled after installing CrossOver Office.   It also includes a small 3 " plush Tux toy, vice the inflatable penguin that came with the original.

CrossOver Office informed me that support for WPxx/win is still on the drawing board, but I get the impression it is not a priority.
Leon A. Goldstein

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