Bob Hemus wrote:
Leon A. Goldstein wrote:

> Joel Hammer wrote:

> BTW the latest Consumer Reports has a review of the Walmart Lindows 
> boxes.  It is not favorable.
> However, Consumer Reports takes an "average user" perspective.  Your 
> previous posts on the the subject make a convincing argument that a 
> knowledgeable Linuxist can wring acceptable performance out of one of 
> the Walmart Lindows boxes.
About 25 years ago I was in the market for a good camera.  CR blasted 
The Nikon F and the Canon F1??  I kinda thought they were the top of the 
line 35mm cameras.  By the way I do subscribe to CR, and there is no 
comparison to a $200 computer today to a $400 camera 25 years ago.

30 + years ago the car by which CR judged all others was the Dodge Dart with the slant-6 engine.
I respect their reliability /frequency of repair reports, and by and large they give good recommendations for consumer goods.
The value of their evaluation drops off when they plunge into more esoteric subjects.

Just imagine CR doing a review of Linux distributions.

BTW I bought a Nikon Ftn 30 years ago.  Wish now I had kept it.

Leon A. Goldstein

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