Tony Alfrey wrote:
On Wednesday 30 July 2003 02:59 pm, Keith Antoine wrote:
> On Thu, 31 Jul 2003 03:20 am, Roger Oberholtzer wrote:
> > On Wed, 2003-07-30 at 18:20, Leon A. Goldstein wrote:
> > > A group in Australia has filed a complaint with the Australian
> > > Competition and  Consumer Commission  about SCO's
> > > attempt to "license" users of the  Linux 2.4 kernel.
> > >
> > >r=0
> > >
> > > I'm going to salute this initiative with a 1/2 liter can of
> > > Fosters tonight.
> >
> > IMHO, VB would be better.
> Oh, we are getting nasty. VB and Fosters ?? XXXX is the Queensland
> beer.

I thought Foster's was just the cheap stuff that they imported to us 
gringos in the States and that no real self-respecting Aussie would 
touch the stuff??

Here in the Sovereign State of North Carolingia the Booze Bureaucrats decide what can be sold to us groundlings.
This is fittingly analogous to the method by which M$ and SCO contrive with the politicians and judiciary to limit our
OS choices.  (Note the crafty way I keep this post from going TID.)

Actually, I could sure go for a Belgian Rodenbach right now, but the North Carolina Booze Bureaucrats have ruled that I
may not buy this delectable brew here.  SCOL!

Leon A. Goldstein

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